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You aren't perfect and you never will be

We all strive for perfection, but it's an impossible goal. Part of being human is making mistakes, living amongst chaos and coming up against (uncontrollable) uncertainty. Mistakes are a part of life, and they're how we (individually and as a society) learn and grow.

I think imperfection is essential for creativity. When we're trying to be perfect, we're so focused on not making mistakes that we stifle our creativity. But when we embrace our imperfection, we're free to experiment and take risks. And that's when the magic happens.

Imperfection is Magic

Think about people you love. Aren't the funny memories you reminisce about generally about the anomalies, the mistakes, the 'what went wrong's? And the people you love: isn't it their quirks that make you smile when you think about them? The funny nuances, silliness, randomness of a person that don't adhere to 'perfection' that make you love them even more? And don't we all find common ground with people we don't know when we can discuss and laugh about our 'flaws'?

All successful people have made mistakes in their lives and that (along with a good dose of luck and hard work) is how they've landed on their success. Everything mad-made we see and use has been through several rounds of editing to improve. And even then there isn't anything we would all describe as perfect!

So don't be afraid to be imperfect. Choose to not let your mistakes hold you back. Just keep moving forward and learning from them. If we aren't learning and growing, we're stood stock still with nothing changing.

Here are some tips for embracing your imperfection:

  • Be kind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, and that's okay.

  • Learn from your mistakes. Take the time to reflect on what went wrong and what you might do differently should a similar situation arise.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're struggling, reach out to a friend, family member, or professional. Most people like feeling useful - asking is a gift to them.

  • Celebrate every success. No matter how small, take the time to celebrate your accomplishments. And practice gratitude for what's allowed you to get to where you have.

  • Remember that you're not alone. We are all imperfect together.

If you are a perfectionist and want to learn how to let it go, let's talk.

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