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Justifying Self-Investment amidst the Cost-of-Living Crisis

The cost-of-living crisis is putting a strain on everyone's finances right now. It can be difficult to make ends meet, let alone save money for things like self-development. However, investing in yourself is one of the best investments you can make for your future self. By taking the time to (and spending the money on) learning new skills and growing your knowledge about yourself, you can improve your chances of success in your career, relationships and in your life.

Speculating to Accumulate

There are many benefits to investing in self-development. Here are just a few:

  • Increased job security: In today's competitive job market, it's more important than ever to have the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for. By investing in yourself, you can make yourself more marketable and increase your chances of finding (and keeping) a job you love.

  • Higher earning potential: Studies have shown that people with more education and training tend to earn higher salaries. By investing in yourself, you can decrease feelings of 'imposter syndrome', increase your self-worth and subsequent earning potential, which improves your overall financial security.

  • Greater satisfaction with your work: When you have the skills and knowledge to do your job well, you're more likely to be satisfied with your work. This can lead to increased productivity and a more positive work environment. The knock-on effects of this mean being happier at home, too.

  • Improved relationships: When you invest in yourself, you become a more well-rounded, authentic person. This can lead to more meaningful relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues.

  • Increased happiness: Studies have shown that people who are engaged in personal development are happier than those who are not. This is because personal development can help you to achieve your goals, live a more fulfilling life, and connect with others on a deeper level.

I recognise coaching is a significant investment in yourself - financially, as well as time and energy-wise. Will it be worth it? If you're ready to move from where you are toward a life in which you feel fully alive and more you, then this will be worth far more than I charge.

We can all justify spending money on external things to make us feel better, be it expensive holidays, shopping sprees, our cars, mortgages, the latest gadgets, extravagant meals or a few too many vinos... the list goes on! These are all an attempt to help us to feel better about our lives and who we are. Whilst the effects of these things are positive, the effects can really vary in how long they last!

I understand why people are scared about investing in themselves. Firstly, it takes guts to admit you've had enough of how things are, let alone say out loud that you want your life to be different somehow. Secondly, it can feel selfish. Who am I to spend this money on discovering myself when I have all these other things I need to pay for? Who am I to spend my time and energy on finding out who I am and what I want for my future? I ask: who are you not to?

Coaching is an investment for the long term. A bit like having a personal trainer for your mind, there is no quick-fix or overnight transformation (usually). Change in behaviour and thought patterns will happen and you will feel (and be) better... for a lot longer than a holiday leaves you feeling better.

Another perspective might be: Can you afford for things to remain as they are?

If you're looking for a life coach who can help you on your journey, I would love to hear from you. Contact me today to schedule a free consultation.

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